a worthy heart

one who lives by grace and believes by faith

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Location: Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Spanish for remember
I go away on a retreat and learn so much but sure do miss everyone at home. So much to say...but there is a worry of putting it in order and all systematic and everything.
I was scared to leave. Friday night was a kids club at our church and I wanted to be there to help and hang out with the kids so bad. Saturday was play practice and fuel. I wanted to be to those even more than the Friday night. Sunday morning was Family service and dang, to miss that...I was broken. These are things I had to lay at the cross daily, maybe minute-ly Wed, Thursday and throughout the weekend. Die to self. Losing life only to find life. I get home Sunday and ask people how the weekend went and people say good. The world goes on without me but I am needed and wanted but it is not reliant on me. Praise God. I am not the Savior of the World. YES!
The whole weekend was out of Psalm 84:4-7. Blessed are those who dwell in your house, they will forever be praising you. Praise Him always and you will be blessed. A pilgrim is one who journeys through a foreign land but has vision toward something. This became a revelation to me Friday night, Saturday morning. I am on a pilgrimage. Nothing around me is secure but the vision and road I am walking on to Jesus Christ. Sleeping on my mother's couch, housesitting for a month, starting a new job...nothing around me feels secure. And the best part is that it's good I am not secure in my surroundings because that is not where my security comes from. My hope is in God.
Why live ugly when you can live beautifully?! How are you living ugly? How can I live that beautifully? Are you happy with the history you are leaving? Just some questions. Search your heart and ask God to help you answer these and work on these in your life.
For a while now...Jesus has been showing me that He is backing me up. When I say 'ish' or 'something' I am unsure about what I am saying or I don't want to step on anyone's toes. I've got to stop that. It is not who Jesus has created me to be. John 5:32 says 'There is another who testifies in my favor, and I know that his testimony about me is valid'. I only want to do what I see the Father doing (also in John 5...verse 19). I don't want to leave a history of being doubtful and wavering. This is one way I am living ugly. Jesus told me He would teach me and He would speak. But I have to know His words. I have to Believe it, speak it, do it and receive it. There has to be co-operation between me and my Savior. This can be made beautiful living.
Pass through the valley of weeping. PASS THROUGH. Do not stay there. Here are some things that can make you stay: not dealing with loses (walk through grief, don't bottle it up), being angry at God (when you are in the valley, that is when your true image of God will be tested), hanging on to bitterness, unforgiveness and revenge (don't drink poison hoping someone else is going to die), self pity (victim mentality), fear (of future, past, provision, to get hurt again)...Your identity is not what you do. He didn't choose you to do a whole bunch of things for Him, He choose you because He delights in you.
They make it a place of springs. THEY MAKE IT. How, you may ask? Take back your will to choose. Own your stuff and don't play the blame game. You may not be responsible for what happens to you in your life but you are responsible for how you respond. Process your emotions. It's alright to be angry, but don't sin in your anger. Remember the faithfulness of God. Forget the former things and move on. Do you want to struggle with the same things you are now, 5 years from now? I sure hope not! Your past doesn't determine your future. Jesus blood is enough for you. When those tapes of lies start playing, push stop on the tapeplayer. INSERT A NEW TAPE with the promises and truths of God. You will be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 8:2). Speak life and not death. Deut30:19 - choose life not death. The enemy is the accuser, He doesn't need your help. Control your thoughts and tongue. Guard them. Pray the answer instead of the problem. Instead of grumble grumble to God, speak his will, which is the word. Pray life over the problems. Don't isolate. Satan loves detached believers. We need each other. Jesus told us to love real people, not ideal people. Keep doing right, even when you don't feel like it. Gal 6:9. Don't give up. Sing. Go from strength to strength. Know where your strength comes from. Your greatest struggle s will be your greatest victories.
This is a lot to share with ya'll. Couple more things...Jesus had me read Luke 12. Here, in this chapter He talks about many things. First, He talks about hypocrisy and accepting Him. Then He talks about greed and rich men. He then talks about not worrying about what to eat or wear because the Father knows already what we need. If the Father in heaven feeds the birds, he will feed us as well. He continues with being ready for the return of the bridegroom and ends with a bit of His mission. In this one chapter, Christ is all over the map and yet it all fits. This encouraged me. I feel like when I speak, I am all over the place. Jesus showed me this bit of scripture and spoke to me through it. He is teaching me daily of how to live for Him in relationship. I love Him and He loves me.
I pray that the Lord would bless you as well and bring His glory upon you. Love you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:48 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. so that retreat i did not come on rocked did it? cool cool.
thats alot to take in all at once......lets have words sometime. where ru house sitting again?
i love you sweetness

8:49 p.m.  
Blogger mayglitch said...

Hey you! Hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog - I came to it off of Sammy's or maybe Jodi's - can't remember. You are way wise above your years Salina. Your thoughts inspire me big time.

4:31 a.m.  
Blogger Miss.Jodi said...

I love you salina! you're so great! can't wait to see you at warriors unleashed

2:02 p.m.  
Blogger Miss.Jodi said...

oh salina! i'm soooooooo sorry! i thought i was going to warriors unleashed but plans changed yesterday and i totally forgot about what i'd wrote! i can't come tomorow either! sorry! i love you! please don't be mad at me!

6:41 p.m.  

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