a worthy heart

one who lives by grace and believes by faith

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Location: Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Good morning!

I love when God literally wakes you up.
I stayed up till 3am Monday night planning my schedule for Tuesday. Out of many, many important things, I acomplished one thing - and to me it was not so important. Half of the drag was sleeping in till 12:15. Ah. That is so not me but I guess it was needed. I remember driving to Coquitlum that afternoon surrendering my will and saying that I wanted His plans for the day. He knows what I needed to do and His ways are higher than mine. I just hope I did what his plans were-ish, because it is a chioce to follow him and we can not always obey.
I am so thankful that Jared and John came into work on Monday, it filled me with great joy. It was wonderful to see Sam and coochie with her as well. It's good to have Laura back for the outreach and some. Bless all those who I gave a shout out to. I really miss Adam and I have to visit him soon!
So, Tuesday...woke up late, got ready, wanted to pluck my eyebrows so bad but didn't cause I felt like I didn't have time, went to Coquitlum-office, went to Zellers-me, picked up Ritz-dance, picked up check-me, dropped stuff off at Salvation Army Thrift Store-mom, dance, went to Ev's for outreach training-girls, and spoke to Ev about my insecurity, anger, work issues. Did 2 things I guess on my list-Coquitlum and dance. Ya! I love how God moves even when we don't know it. Drama practice got cancelled for Tuesday. Thanks God : ) So I get home from Ev's and remember the numerous times my brother called that day wanting me to come over. I remember saying to him that I would either be over late that night around 1pm or 10am the next morning. So I lay in bed thinking I should go over there. Finding something to where the next day...oh my what drama! Let's just say I was at my mom's at 12:45. YES!
So this morning I get a phone call at 7 am from Fran Devries. How was she to know I was at my mom's? How is that I woke up just as my mom stands outside the open door and says "I don't know, you can ask her."? I love when God wakes you up to remind you that He is thinking about you. He awakens you to let you know that He is still in control and is still working behind the scenes like the worlds best secretary.
Where do I end? I can't say where do I start because I have already and I have written quiet a bunch so I kinda want to end but I just have so much more to write. JESUS! Jesus, I thank You for friends who encourage and/or listen-thank you Ev Schroeder and Jennifer Hicks. May the Lord bless you and speak to you; may you be obedient to Him alone and have His joy and love overflowing unto you. I think you for your word. I thank You that you have given me strength to be persistant, more please Lord. I thank You, Holy Spirit, for working in me and through me, for healing me even though it hurts, and for comforting me. Praise You.
Remember the challenge...it's in the previous blog if you can please take a look.
Love ya'll and Blessing just the more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

" i love when God wakes you up to remind you he's thinking about you"....that just stuck for some reason. i need some of that....
love forever and longer

12:00 a.m.  

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