a worthy heart

one who lives by grace and believes by faith

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Location: Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Suffering is God's megaphone to a deaf world - C.S.Lewis
I just like that, that's y I wrote that. It isn't what this blog is about or anything but I wanted it on here. Interesting view huh?
I wrote a blog a while ago but it did not publish because I clicked no intsead of yes for something. I was angry writing the blog and that made em even more angry so I just said forget it.
Anyways...this will be a short one maybe and probably pretty pointless. I don't want things in my life to be pointless. I want everything I say, everything I do to have a purpose. Is that possible? Sometimes in life we do things we don't really want to do but is it bad? Is it pointless? It may seem like it at the moment but I'm not so sure.
Jesus, help me be happy with what I have, and where I am and who you have me to be right now. Where in your word do you tell me not to compare to others and why? Please show me. I want to be a woman who obeys your word not becasue I have to but because I want to - simply out of loving you. Loving you in response to you loving me.
I trust you Lord and I say Yes to your plans - even though they are not so fun at times. I don't know what is going on with my living situation since my house has sold. I don't know what hours I am working at Star Five. Is there always a question mark somewhere is someones life? I am not stressing out though, I think I have lots of peace. God knows what is happening and he will tell me when I ask him what to do. Not one sparrow goes without, and he cares for me much more. We have a relationship and I love him and He loves me. Ooooh!
I have other things to do now but still wanted to let you know I am alive and even when I'm not thinking something..I'm still thinking something. Ya.
Love you and bless you all.


Blogger shrodes said...

hey salina i hope you're reading this.. um i need to talk to you about that dancing thing for the missions trip.. b/c i need to know the practices (i might be working) and also i'm not sure if we'll have anough time to teach everything... so ..ya. this is huge
love you peace out

10:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have been thinking alot about your entry....i think we can make everything have meaning. we hafta have God tho, because with out him everything is meaningless. and we have to be focused on Him. yeah. thats not what i wanted to say but i can't put it into words...

1:53 p.m.  

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