a worthy heart

one who lives by grace and believes by faith

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Location: Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I haven't written in a while but I thought I'd drop a couple lines to tell ya'll that I still appreciate blogs and its purpose for me. Letting me write, confusing as it is, and allowing ppl to comment even though some may not want to. Yehaw! Anyways...It's my birthday in 2 days! I've done lots with God in these 2 weeks but I don't have my journal with me or my bible at the moment so I can't write anything too exciting. I am just continuing to push on to the abundant life He promises.
Are we just waiting for heaven? Because if we are it's kinda lame. I say this because even when our physical bodies die, do we go to straight to 'heaven' or do we wait unitl the 'end times'? Thinking? I believe there is more to life than waiting to get to heaven and being good so we can. Jesus wants us to do something else. Maybe He wants us to do many things...still thinking? So am I.
Love you and Bless you-ttfn.


Blogger *Keather* said...

hi Salina!!
I miss you lots!
Happy belated Birthday! Did you get the e-card I sent to you??

11:15 p.m.  

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