a worthy heart

one who lives by grace and believes by faith

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Location: Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Session 5

Did Adam and Eve fall because they trusted in themselves?

Do we wage war on ourselves, deny self, and die to self rather than run, retaliate, sulk and self destruct?

Thinking about Cain and Abel lately, Genesis 4 ...
Abel's offering was favored, chosen and blessed. Cain was cursed, rejected and scorned for his offering but he was still PROTECTED, KEPT, and WATCHED OVER.
I was recently at a Bible study where someone was blessed with a jogging stroller they had wanted and someone else was blessed with a dress they were looking for and had received as a gift. I sat there and started to think...where is my blessing? This isn't fair. Then fought with...God you are good and just. You love me. You give me what I need. You are faithful.
God's eyes are never off of us, his beloved children.

Is life fair? Is God fair? or is God just? Where do we get the idea that God is fair? Some assume and only expect the lovey dovey, no hardship on us just our enemies, kind of God.
Justice isn't always fair. If someone is murdered, someone is missing. It's not fair for anyone. It is fair for us to die for our 'sins' - disobedience to God?

Do the right thing. What is the right thing? Quit your sulking; stop the self pity; have a right attitude; offer thankfulness, kindness, and generosity; give ourselves into his keeping and entrust our riches, children, homes and lives. What is the right thing? Faith. Do the right thing.

God's definition of wellness isn't about health, finances or job security.
"...it is well with my soul..."

Holiness is truth and God's wisdom in the inmost place. Are you Holy?

Good behavior can be our true self exposed or our true self concealed. Which is it for you?


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