a worthy heart

one who lives by grace and believes by faith

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Location: Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Session 7

Jesus vs Pharisees
heart vs external
lust (root of) vs adultery
involvement vs avoidance
rescue sinners vs avoid sinning
What can I do to have effective witness? vs How will this affect me witness?

Evil isn't safe in the presence of God
Sin is not a personal flaw like acne or crooked teeth.

It's bad when people instinctively define Christians by what they are not or what they avoid: smoking, drinking, sex until marriage, bad language. It's like drawing a background but not the portrait. I do these things because of a response to the love He has shown me. I want to live for Him.

Is God just another ball that we juggle? Trying to make everything go smoothly.

Let the cleanness inside spill out, washing filth and evil and sickness on the outside.

A glimpse of leaving borderland behind...watch The Secret Garden. This boy is kept in his room. His food is brought to him, his curtains closed, his wheelchair by his bed. His cousin comes to town and helps him OUT. She rips off the curtains and lets the light in. She opens the window for fresh air. He is freaking out. She gets him out of bed, and oh wow, outside of the house. He goes to the 'secret' garden and ends up walking, skipping, dancing, laughing. He hates the process while going through it but the end result is beautiful. Don't be too safe - God isn't.


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