a worthy heart

one who lives by grace and believes by faith

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Location: Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Session 12

the Messiah complex
we all have one...at some point you have thought...i have to save the world...haven't you?

we shall imitate him not by being big, wielding power, being served or bullying
but by being small, becoming weak, being a servant, loving and showing kindness, giving water to the thirsty and clothes to the naked

I've often had these pictures where my whole body shrunk so small but my hands and feet were huge. I believe that when I get these, this is who I am when I move for Jesus. Have you had anything like that? A picture or a feeling, when you know you are truly humble and glorifying God alone, not yourself.

hero or martyr - 4 J.C.
do you want to be carried on the crowds shoulders or wear the winners wreath?
do you want to be trampled beneath the mob's feet or wear the thorny crown?

Our aim shouldn't be service, necessarily, but to have the Christ-like attitude of servant hood.
secret service acts, with no applause or thank you, not seeking or avoiding persecution, whether we feel like it or not, despite inconvenience...umm...can you do that? can I do that?

Play second fiddle, then you'll have a harmony.

Service tells us Jesus loves us. Service is the best way to love Christ and to love LIKE Christ.

does security eliminate self promotion and self protection?


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