a worthy heart

one who lives by grace and believes by faith

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Location: Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada

Friday, October 07, 2005

If I would explode...what would it look like?
What kind of explosion? One of the mind? One of the body?
Would I bleed red or blue or maybe even purple? Would there be a puddle of water around me that only came from my tear ducts? Would the smell of sweat be present?
If it was a explosion of the mind...Would you see any African Americans or the beautiful First Nations People who where really here first and yet we don't honor them too highly for there minds and the way the use the earths resources(?). These are people who truly use what God has given them but some don't honor Him the way they should. Every knee and tongue, praising Jesus Christ...What does that sound like ? Can we reach an overflowing? Have you ever been in awe? If it was an explosion of the mind, would photographs all come flying out? Would you see all the things I've seen? Would you love all the people I love? Would you hate what I hate? Would you have done anything differently? Why? Why?

Thank you Lord for creating this random, awkward, and pretty day. I love you so much. Thank you for all that you have done with my life. Thank you for every person I have seen and met, through it all. I am so blessed yet so hurting.
I repent for any apathy I've had toward the hurricanes. I thank you that you revealed the reality to me tonight, seeing people sleeping on a cot in a football field with hardly anything, some without families or friends. Thank you for allowing me to see the movie last night about Ethiopia, Cambodia and Chesnia. The people there oh God. How can I help? You see who I am. You run the governments and the storms upon the oceans. What can I do? I thank you that I can pray and that it is good enough until you tell me something different.
Jesus, I pray that I have my oil in my lamp and I am awake when you come for me. I just want to be with you. Father, I pray for Mike and Ev, that you would teach them and stir up the Holy Spirit within them. Refresh them please oh God so they may continue to do your work with strength, joy, peace and wisdom. I pray for their family as well, that you would bless them and keep them. Protect them, shelter them, and be their wonderful father and friend.
I pray for Canada. 'revival, from coast to coast, in Canada' Rahn; 'He shall have dominion from sea to shining sea' Clark. At a time when I should be praying for Jerusalem, I pray for the peace of Canada. Maybe Canadians have no idea what world tragedy is or perhaps how to deal with it. Starving to death? Having a province, or a lower mainland flood? Having the army prancing around everywhere with guns? JESUS! Jesus, our national anthem! Our home. Our home? True love in the sons command. This is what you said to us. Love God and love one another. 'Where is the love, the love, the love?' Jesus, that Canadians would love like you love. We stand on guard? We do? do we not compromise? Are we never apathetic? Do we always feel useful and powerful? GOD KEEP OUR LAND, GLORIOUS AND FREE. We stand on guard for thee. Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee. I will. I will continue to pray for this country. I want to see some things before I die God. I will stand on guard. Thank you for the glory that you have put into the land and I pray that you will continue to bring freedom.
Thank you Trinity. For yours is the power and the glory and the honor forever and ever. Amen.